247th Punyatithi of Madhavrao Peshwa.- Informaint

 Today is the 247th Punyatithi of Madhavrao Peshwa.

Peshwa Madhavrao - one of the greatest leaders of 18th century India, passed away this day in 1772 at a young age of 28.

Taking over at young age of 16, amidst the twin shocks of Panipat and the death of his father Nanasaheb Peshwa, he consolidated the Maratha Empire.
Madhavrao Peshwa accomplished so much in a short span of 12 years, taking over at the age of 16, after Panipat, and after the death of his father Nanasaheb Peshwa. Stabilizing the Maratha Empire amidst so many internal and external threats.

Madhavrao successfully confronted the Nizam, Hyder Ali, British and consolidated Maratha Empire in the north. In less than a decade after Panipat, Marathas had regained supremacy at Delhi. He achieved all this while facing an internal power struggle (uncle) and a failing health.

Even while constantly facing the internal power struggle with Raghunathrao (uncle), he assembled a great leadership team of Mahadji Shinde, Holkars and others, along with Nana Phadnavis (who later held the empire together for over two decades...)

"The plains of Panipat were not more fatal to the Maratha Empire than the early end of this excellent prince" - British Historian Grant Duff, summarizing Madhavrao's achievements and the impact of his early death on the Maratha Empire. Madhavrao died of TB at the age of 28.

he passed away in the temple of Chintamani Ganesh at Theur not far from Pune. He was just 28 years old. In his Will, he extracted a promise from his ministers that they would strive to recover the Hindu holy places of Prayag and Kashi."

Here is an excellent article about the amazing Madhavrao 'MADHAV RAO PESHWA THE GREAT'

Post credit link: https://twitter.com/aparanjape/status/1196252635000647680
